Specialist in Urology
Andrology Genital and Urethral Recostructive Surgery
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Congenital Curved Penis
The congenital recurvatum or congenital curved penis is a relatively rare condition and is typically diagnosed around the second decade of life.
Congenital causes are due to an asymmetry in the development of the penile fascia, specifically the Tunica albuginea, which is the structure covering the corpora cavernosa. Other developmental abnormalities may also affect the fasciae external to the Tunica albuginea, such as Dartos and the Buck fascia. These anomalies cause deviations of the erect penis along the longitudinal and/or transverse axis.
In congenital curved penis, the curvature is often ventral or ventral and lateral. Ventral curvature is often associated with hypospadias.
How is it diagnosed?
Diagnosis is relatively simple; it is based on self-observation with any photographic material to be shown to the urologist, with a positive medical history for the absence of penile traumas and lack of symptoms. Objective examination and ultrasound help differentiate congenital pathology from Peyronie's disease, thanks to the absence of fibrotic plaques.

When should you be concerned?
In general, curvatures less than 30° are not a cause for concern for the patient during sexual intercourse. Surgical intervention is recommended for curvatures above this threshold.
Curvatures >30° may predispose to microtraumas during penetration, which can eventually lead to the development of Peyronie's disease.
What is the treatment?
There are many techniques for the surgical correction of recurvatum, with the most frequently used being corporoplasty according to Nesbit. This involves incisions and sutures on the portion of the tunica albuginea opposite to the curvature.
Day-surgery procedure
Duration of 60 minutes
Local or loco-regional anesthesia

Are there complications and/or side effects of the procedure?
As a consequence of the Nesbit procedure, there is a slight shortening of the penile shaft, which is usually inconsequential given the undeniable positive implications for the patient.
Can the patient engage in regular sexual activity?
No, sexual activity should be suspended for approximately 4 weeks.