Specialist in Urology
Andrology Genital and Urethral Recostructive Surgery
mobile +39 3511718896

Dr. Ruffo is a Urologist, Andrologist certified by the Italian Society of Andrology, and specialist in Genital and Urethral Reconstructive Surgery. He has performed his scientific and surgical work focusing on the diagnosis and treatment of Erectile Dysfunction.
He has performed numerous studies later published in international impacted and indexed journals on the use of nutraceuticals and low-intensity shock waves in the treatment of Erectile Dysfunction.
He has focused his latest studies on regenerative treatments for Erectile Dysfunction by creating the Rigeneraction® protocol, using the combination of low-intensity shock waves and platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections.
His surgical training was done by collaborating with numerous international centers in Spain, the United Kingdom, Germany, Mexico, Thailand, Greece, Ethiopia, and Serbia.
And it is his close collaboration with the Sava Perovic Foundation in Belgrade, Serbia, one of the world's leading centers in genital reconstructive surgery, that has led him to perfect the most advanced surgical techniques for the treatment of numerous congenital or acquired conditions.
Such as Hypospadias, Failed Hypospadias, Bladder Exstrophy, Congenital Recurvatum, La Peyronie's Disease, Urethral Stenosis, Lichen Sclerosus, Elongation/Enlargement Phalloplasty, Gender Surgery (Adro-ginoid, Gynos-android conversion), Male and Female Incontinence. At Sava Perovic Foundation, in collaboration with Dr. Rados Djinovic and Dr. Nikola Stanojevic, he participated in 654 reconstructive surgeries (pediatric and in adults) from March 2014 to October 2015.
He also uses several minimally invasive techniques for the treatment of Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy : Prostate Vaporization with Green Laser (Green-light), Prostate Adenoma Enucleation with Thulium Laser (THULEP), Thermoablation of Prostate Adenoma.Regarding pathologies related to the field of male fertility, Dr. Ruffo applies the most advanced minimally invasive techniques such as Micro-TESE, Varicocele with microchirugic technique, vasectomy, vaso-vasostomy.
He has participated in numerous National and International Congresses as Speaker, Moderator, Surgical Practitioner, Member of the Scientific and/or Organizing Secretariat.
He has participated in numerous courses as a lecturer.
Organizer of the international congress Serbian-Italian Urological Days (December 11, 2015)Reviewer of the following international indexed and impacted scientific journals: International Brazilian Journal of Urology.Scientific Consultant at GMM Farma Srl.Vice-President of the association Ethicamed.Co-founder of the Urogenital Center, Belgrade Serbia.
Total scientific production includes about 90 scientific publications including 19 scientific articles in indexed and/or impacted journals and 71 abstracts and presentations at national and international congresses.
Winner of Best Case Report award : 'Albugineal grafting and penile implant in patient with Peyronie's disease and erectile dysfunction previously underwent failed penile enlargement' at ESGURS-ELUTS 18 meeting. Milan, Italy September 2018.
Winner of the assignment of coordinated and continuous collaboration within the project 'ADNDROKIT-development of kits for diagnostic/predictive investigations for male infertility' at the Center for Andrology, Reproductive Medicine and Male and Female Sexuality Fertisexcare of the University of Naples Federico II.
Winner of the Highlight video award : 'Penile eversion and multiple slit technique corporoplasty with inflatable penile prosthesis - minimally invasive surgical treatment of severe mb Peyronie's disease: no circumcision, no graft' at the 22nd Congress of the European Society of Sexual Medicine, January 23-25, 2020, Prague, Czech Republic.
Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia presso Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
- Membro della commissione scientifica della Società Europea Di Medicina Sessuale (ESSM)
-Società Italiana di Urologia (SIU)
-Società Italiana di Andrologia (SIA)
-Società Italiana Urologi Ospedalieri (AURO)
-Società Italiana di Chirurgia Genitale Maschile (SICGEM)
-European Association of Urology (EAU)
-EAU Section of Genito-Urinary Reconstructive Surgeons (ESGURS)
-Urologi Ospedalità Gestione Privata (UROP)
-International Society of Reconstructive Urology (ISORU)
- 2018 -
Best Case Report: 'Albugineal grafting and penile implant in patient with Peyronie's disease and erectile dysfunction previously underwent failed penile enlargement' al Congresso
ESGURS-ELUTS 18 meeting
Milan, Italy September 2018.
- 2019-
Vincitore dell'incarico di collaborazione coordinata e continuativa nell'ambito del progetto 'ADNDROKIT-sviluppo di kit per indagini diagnostico/predittive per l'infertilità maschile' presso il Centro di Andrologia, Medicina della riproduzione e della sessualità maschile e femminile Fertisexcare dell' Università di Napoli Federico II
- 2020 -
Vincitore del premio Highlight video :
'Penile eversion and multiple slit technique corporoplasty with inflatable penile prosthesis - minimally invasive surgical treatment of severe mb Peyronie: no circumcision, no graft' al 22 Congresso della Società Europea di Medicina Sessuale, 23-25 Gennaio 2020, Praga, Repubblica Ceca.