Specialist in Urology
Andrology Genital and Urethral Recostructive Surgery
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Failed Hydospadia
By the term Failed Hypospadias we mean a clinical condition in which the patient has undergone one or more procedures to correct hypospadias developing one or more complications.
The aforementioned complications generally result from the etiology of hypospadias; that is, being a congenital condition, there is a deficiency of tissue at the level of the ventral face of the penis, and this makes reconstruction of the normal urethra difficult. At the time of surgery in the pre - pubertal stage, a urethral canal is created, which with the development of the penis during adulthood can result in problems for the patient.
Patients with advancing age present significant problems:
Of a sexual nature
With curvature of the penis, which hinders penetration into the vagina;
Meatal abnormalities that make ejaculation difficult;
painful erection
Of urinary character
Inability to urinate in an upright position due to abnormal position of the meatus
urethral stenosis
urethral stones
Of Aesthetic Character with significant psychological repercussions
How is failed hypospadias diagnosed?
Uroflowmetry may be performed possibly in conjunction with urethrography (a diagnostic examination that highlights by injection of contrast medium the urethra and bladder). Another important examination is urethroscopy.
Are there any post-operative complications?
Because of the compromise of the tissues on which surgery is to be performed, unfortunately, the patient must be warned that there is a risk rate of about 30 percent of developing complications.
The most frequently encountered complications consist of: urethral stenosis, reopening of the urethral meatus, and urethral fistula.
Postoperative care.
The patient is discharged 1-2 days after surgery.
The postoperative period is not painful. No special dressings are required.
The catheter used is usually small and made of silicone material.